OCTOBER 19th, 2024

listen we all know Covid isn't going to be gone by October and we'd rather not make everyone play long-Covid roulette because of our wedding! so:

  1. the wedding ceremony will be held outdoors
  2. reception will be (mostly) outdoors
  3. friday night festivities will be both indoors and outdoors

several friends and family members attending are immunocompromised; please help keep everyone safe by wearing an N95 or equivalent well-fitted respirator while travelling to the wedding (and while attending events/gatherings/etc in the days leading up to your travels)

we will be bringing air filters & fans to improve indoor ventilation!

exact masking/testing/etc. policy will be dependent on covid levels (expect an email in early October with details!)

biohazard symbol biohazard symbol

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blinkie: I HOTLINK blinkie: happy halloween
in dark times should the stars also go out? HARDCORE!

blinkie: I heart Horror
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